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Mishcon de Reya's data protection campaign reaches European courts

Posted on24 June 2020

After almost five years of raising awareness on the data protection implications of systems of automatic exchange of information, which included testimonies before the European data protection authorities and the European Parliament, the campaign now moves to the courts.

On 15 June 2020, Mishcon de Reya filed an appeal before the Austrian Federal Administrative Court with the assistance of Wolf Theiss in Vienna.

The case concerns an Austrian individual who owns a bank account with a German bank holding €40.

Filippo Noseda, partner at Mishcon de Reya said: 'For years, groups and individuals, including, the OECD and national data protection authorities, have tried to ignore the warnings issued by experts and the European Commission. The Austrian claim is a world first and opens the way to the Court of Justice of the European Union. Separately, we hope that we will be able to bring a judicial review before the English High Court in Jenny's case concerning FATCA.

We are grateful to Wolf Theiss for providing support on a pro bono basis, which highlights the importance of the underlying human rights issues."


Further information

To find out further information on the data protection work by Mishcon de Reya and to read their correspondence to data protection authorities, click here.

To see the full list of hacking and data breaches recorded by Mishcon de Reya, click here.

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