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Inside Life Sciences

Issue 11: August 2020

Inside Life Sciences

CJEU rejects SPCs for second medical uses

A rare decision of the Grand Chamber of 13 judges of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has concluded that supplementary protection certificate (SPCs) should not be available for new applications of previously authorised products.


Supreme Court finds transgenic mice patents invalid for insufficiency

A patent represents a bargain between the patentee and the public - in return for a valuable 20 year monopoly right over use of the invention, the patentee discloses the invention to the world, thereby offering the ability to others to 'work the invention' after the monopoly has expired.


CBD: a point of reflection

The law and regulation in the UK of medical cannabis and the sale of cannabidiol (CBD) is complex, often contradictory and regularly developing.


Lundbeck 'pay for delay' case: Advocate General Opinion

In her recent opinion in Case C-591/16 P, Lundbeck v Commission, Advocate General (AG) Kokott has recommended that the Court of Justice of the European Union uphold the judgment of the General Court that patent settlement agreements reached between Lundbeck and several generics manufacturers in the pharmaceutical sector constituted a restriction of competition "by object".

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