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Editor's note

Posted on 16 April 2024

Nick Davis - Mishcon de Reya

Welcome to our Spring edition of Recruitment Watch, in which we look at the legal issues that are currently shaping the recruitment sector.

In this edition, we report on some of the key data protection issues stemming from the increased use of AI in the workplace and explain the key legal considerations to be aware of when using AI technologies in recruitment and employment. We also explain the risks of employees using generative AI without appropriate guidance. 

Following the Information Commissioner's Office's (ICO) consultation on its guidance for employment practices and data protection, which concluded on 5 March 2024, we examine the ICO's proposed guidance on automated decision making and profiling and explain some of the steps recruiters can take to ensure they are prepared.

We consider the Department for Business & Trade's consultation seeking views on whether the Government should lift the ban on employment businesses supplying temporary workers to fill the roles of workers taking official strike action. We also highlight the new tax set-off for recruitment services companies under new Regulations which address the over-collection of tax when the off-payroll working rules have not been complied with.

Our team explores the key changes to statutory paternity leave and flexible working arrangements, and the introduction of carer's leave, which came into force this April.

We look at the Financial Reporting Council's updated UK Corporate Governance Code and Guidance and summarise the key revisions, which include a new principle designed to improve reporting as well as strengthened provisions relating to malus and clawback arrangements.

Finally, we highlight the importance of complying with sponsorship regulations in the wake of a recent case where the High Court upheld the Home Office's decision to revoke a company's sponsor licence and we explain the implications for companies that sponsor overseas workers in the UK.

If you would like to discuss any of the issues raised, or there is a topic you would like us to cover in one of our future editions, please get in touch with a member of the Recruitment Services team or by contacting us.

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