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Editor's note

Posted on 17 May 2023

Nicola Simmons, Associate, Mishcon Private

In this edition of Tax Aware, we discuss possible changes to the UK "non-dom" regime before summarising the Government's Tax Administration and Maintenance Day proposals to simplify the UK tax system. We consider a recent Supreme Court case regarding the VAT option to tax, and a GAAR Advisory Panel opinion regarding an SDLT saving scheme. We also review upcoming changes to US gift tax, and the proposed restrictions on UK charitable giving relief. We also discuss how Business Asset Disposal Relief (BADR) applies to temporary non-residents. Our Tax Aware FAQ this time focuses on the taxation of employee benefits.

This will be my last issue of Tax Aware as editor. It has been my pleasure editing the publication for the last four years or so, and I sincerely hope you have found the articles of interest, relevance and practical assistance in your day-to-day life. Thank you for reading.

My esteemed colleague, Moustapha Hammoud, will be taking over the Tax Aware mantle going forward. I trust he will bring new life to the publication and wish him all the very best in continuing the Tax Aware legacy!

Please do let us know if you'd like us to consider anything in particular for our next issue of Tax Aware. We hope you enjoy this issue.

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