Charlotte Wilson
Partner, Mishcon de Reya
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the offices of Mishcandy de Reya. So I am Charlotte Wilson and I am hosting this year’s In-House Counsel Day at Mishcon de Reya. The idea is to bring together general counsel and I guess anyone who carries out a legal function within a business of any size across any sector.
Will Winch
Partner, Mishcon de Reya
I’m Will Winch, I’m a partner in the employment team and I’ve just been giving a talk here at the In-House Counsel Day 2024. Very exciting, we’ve had a load of people come over from the wonderful GC community, we’ve got something like about 18 talks I think today so there’s been a real info burst of data for all of the people who’ve arrived and just get everything in 20 minute short chunks. Hopefully it’s of use, I think it might be. We’ve just been in the coffee room and lots of people seem to have enjoyed it.
Hanna Nanda
Hi I’m Hanna Nanda from L&G. I’m here at Mishcon de Reya In-House Counsel event, it’s been a great morning so far, very informative, lots of little nuggets of information that I will definitely take back to work with me so it’s been really great. Also lots of opportunity for networking, Mishcon have put on a great spread so lots of people gathered around the buffet having a chat and just catching up which has been really great.
Charlotte Wilson
Partner, Mishcon de Reya
So whether that is being mindful of upcoming employment law changes and challenges, thinking about how you can be using tech particularly AI safely in your business, what to do if a customer is in financial difficulties, how to best protect your liability under contract, putting employee wellbeing at the forefront of your business agenda, generating positive impact, protecting yourself from deep fake fraud or dealing with desar’s or not as the case may be, I hope you have found the inner workings of Mishcandy de Reya helpful and that today’s sessions have provided some useful takeaways for your own businesses. Have a very sweet afternoon.
Mishcon de Reya
It’s business. But it’s personal