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MDR Cyber: Digital Sessions - Cyber investigations "lifespan" litigation support

Posted on 4 May 2021

Last week Mark Tibbs, Cyber Intelligence Director in Dispute Resolution (FICE - MDR Cyber), chaired a discussion alongside the MDR Cyber team Ty Rees-Davies, Managing Associate in Private and Sofia Berggren, Associate in Dispute Resolution (FICE – Fraud), to understand more about how they approach cases from a technology-first perspective, how this led to the uncovering of critical evidence, and ultimately success for clients.

This session gave case studies from start to finish, to demonstrate how our lawyers and cyber investigators work together. They explained how modern litigation cases invariably involve the acquisition of vast quantities of emails, devices and documents. Although this data is always reviewed for critical evidence, often overlooked are the other sources of information, system logs and metadata that can make the difference in a case.

Our cyber investigations team help our lawyers achieve success for clients with "lifespan" litigation support throughout cases from the very beginning. They help gather, analyse and make sense of the tremendous amount of data cases generate. Not only that, the team understand "the art of the possible", interrogating metadata, and using the internet as an investigative tool to help enrich what is known about key parties so that our lawyers get a strategic edge over their opponents.

MDR Cyber: Digital Sessions are a series of online events, videos and podcasts looking at the biggest issues faced by businesses and individuals today.

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