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We live in an environment where professionals are increasingly being held accountable for corporate failings, and the accountancy profession is no exception.  When mistakes are made or, worse, where deliberate breaches are committed, formal action can follow. Sometimes that action takes the form of litigation or arbitration, and sometimes it takes the form of regulatory action by professional bodies. In some cases, it can be both.

Whichever form the action takes, we have the experience and expertise to assist. Our accountancy practice is particularly distinguished for a number of reasons:

  • We act on both sides. Acting both for and against accountants, we see the issues from all angles.
  • We have helped define some of the legal tests applicable in accountancy litigation. We acted both at first instance and in the Court of Appeal in the leading auditors' negligence case on the scope of auditors' duties and on the application of the SAAMCO cap in this context.
  • Our very experienced enforcement team are particularly attuned to how regulatory matters can play out in front of regulators, and understand the issues in play both for individuals and firms. They have experience involving the ICAEW and the FRC, as well as other accounting bodies.
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