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Karas So LLP ranked in the 2023 Benchmark Litigation Asia Pacific

Posted on 12 May 2023

Karas So LLP in association with Mishcon de Reya has been recognised in this year's Benchmark Litigation Asia Pacific rankings.

The firm has been named in the Family and Matrimonial and Insolvency – International firm categories. Partner Kevin So has been named as a "Future Star" and Partner Jonathan Mok recognised as a "Dispute Resolution Star". Managing Partner Jason Karas is cited as a "Litigation Star".

Benchmark Litigation evaluates domestic, regional and international law firms in the Asia Pacific region. It conducts its research through extensive interviews with litigators, arbitrators, dispute resolution specialists and their clients to identify the leading litigators and firms as well as examining recent casework handled by law firms and lawyers.

Read the full rankings.

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