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Addiction issues afflict families in many unpredictable, distressing ways. Getting the right support can help manage situations which might otherwise spiral out of control.

We work with a wide range of specialist professionals as a dedicated point of contact for all enquiries in line with a family’s needs. We co-ordinate with experts who can provide clinical help to overcome the addiction, and together with appropriate professionals we assess and manage risk both to the individual and to the wider family, whether it be personal, financial, reputational or criminal repercussions, which can often be a feature of addiction and relationship breakdown.

Family governance across generations, cultures and changing family dynamics requires an increasingly multi-faceted and flexible approach. Mobilising the right expert assistance when faced with behaviours that destabilise a family is critical. Early intervention is key and we are available to discuss how best we can assist including:

  • Acting as a central point of contact, should the need arise;
  • Arranging independent advice on treatment providers and wellness clinics;
  • Utilising our established relationships with therapists;
  • Advising on educational issues and working closely with other educational specialists;
  • Co-ordinating an advisory panel of specialist Mishcon de Reya professionals to provide advice on discrete issues such as:
    • Capacity
    • Reputation
    • Judicial processes to maintain boundaries and prevent harassment; and
  • Providing guidance on other ancillary aspects of addiction including investigation and security services.

We deal with sensitive and complex family issues and provide discreet assistance, together with a diverse team of specialists.

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