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The impact of relationship breakdown can be seismic. We recognise that families have complex requirements and family dynamics, which can evolve across different generations, and that relationship breakdown and divorce can lead to significant tension and conflict if not appropriately managed from an early stage.

We help clients through all stages of divorce and/or dissolution from application to final order. With no-fault divorce and joint applications for divorce now being available, we encourage couples to approach a divorce constructively, to minimise acrimony from the outset. We have extensive experience of cases where a spouse is domiciled and/or resident in a different country and where proceedings could be commenced in a number of jurisdictions.

Where disputes arise, we support families in resolving issues consensually, working with clients to facilitate a bespoke method of non-court resolution through our Non-Court Dispute Resolution Hub and avoiding contested court proceedings where possible.

We appreciate the importance of providing the right support, at the right time and our team of specialist family lawyers can assist with reputation management, tax, immigration, trusts, wills, and education as well as matters involving property, art and other luxury assets. We work closely with third party professionals, including therapists, clinical specialists, financial advisers, and cyber security experts to achieve better outcomes for our clients.

How we can help you during divorce

On the breakdown of a marriage, for many couples a key issue is how financial matters should be dealt with. Particularly where a couple is (ultra) high net worth, their assets and financial arrangements are frequently complex. We have extensive experience in cases featuring assets held through corporate or trust structures, inherited wealth and offshore assets, as well as those where assets are said to be hidden. We work closely with our colleagues in Mishcon Private to address any matters that arise in relation to trusts, wills and immigration or issues involving reputation, property, art and other luxury assets, ensuring that a collaborative approach is being provided in the best interests of our clients.

We offer a bespoke non-court dispute resolution service assisting separated couples in achieving a suitable outcome with less cost and acrimony.  Where agreement cannot be reached, we have successfully litigated matrimonial finance cases at all levels of tribunal, including precedent-setting cases in the Supreme Court and Privy Council. 

For further information, please see our matrimonial finance page.

We advise and support parents and families on all aspects of their child's upbringing, including their general welfare and development. We support positive parenting and can help co-ordinate coaching to provide support and guidance, a separated parent's information programme or the assistance of a parenting coordinator in suitable cases. We help pre-empt and resolve any difficulties that might ultimately lead to discord and advise and represent parents in matters regarding their child's life, including, where separation occurs, how much time they spend with each of their parents, as well as specific issues such as changing a child's name and for leave to remove a child to another country (whether in the short-term or permanently). We also assist parents to help support and steer their children through life's challenges, including issues such as education, addiction and online harms.

Couples are increasingly choosing to resolve matters regarding finances and arrangements for children on divorce without going to court.  Our Non-Court Dispute Resolution (NCDR) Hub offers a bespoke resolution service, assisting separated couples in achieving a suitable outcome with less cost and acrimony, through options including mediation, early neutral evaluation and/or arbitration. From an initial consultation where we discuss the available options to final agreement or adjudication, we can support you in whichever approach is right for your circumstances.

For further information, see our Non-Court Dispute Resolution page.

Where clients are considering a pre-nuptial or post-nuptial agreement, we advise on appropriate terms including obtaining advice from overseas lawyers as appropriate, assist with negotiation and prepare the relevant documents where agreement is reached.

High net worth families are increasingly mobile, with personal and financial ties to multiple jurisdictions. We draw upon our extensive experience and connections with overseas lawyers, trust companies and Family Offices, accountants and other relevant professionals to provide a thorough and collaborative approach to achieve our clients' objectives.

Where clients are considering a pre-nuptial or post-nuptial agreement, we advise on appropriate terms including obtaining advice from overseas lawyers as needed, assist with negotiation and prepare the relevant documents where agreement is reached.

We have a dedicated Luxury Assets Group, with extensive depth and breadth of experience in advising on legal issues in respect of luxury assets. We advise on a diverse range of issues, including acquisition, sale or loan, restructuring ownership of an investment, wealth planning, lending against assets, settling in trust, administrating an estate, or seeking advice on a dispute.

Glossary of divorce and family case terms

Our glossary sets out a number of commonly used terms in family law proceedings, with a brief explanation in respect of each.

View glossary

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