In order to accelerate the process of development and the placing on the
market of the high-risk AI systems listed in an annex to this Regulation, it is important that
providers or prospective providers of such systems may also benefit from a specific regime
for testing those systems in real world conditions, without participating in an AI regulatory
sandbox. However, in such cases, taking into account the possible consequences of such testing
on individuals, it should be ensured that appropriate and sufficient guarantees and conditions
are introduced by this Regulation for providers or prospective providers. Such guarantees should
include, inter alia, requesting informed consent of natural persons to participate in testing in
real world conditions, with the exception of law enforcement where the seeking of informed
consent would prevent the AI system from being tested. Consent of subjects to participate in
such testing under this Regulation is distinct from, and without prejudice to, consent of data
subjects for the processing of their personal data under the relevant data protection law. It is
also important to minimise the risks and enable oversight by competent authorities and therefore
require prospective providers to have a real-world testing plan submitted to competent
market surveillance authority, register the testing in dedicated sections in the EU database
subject to some limited exceptions, set limitations on the period for which the testing can be
done and require additional safeguards for persons belonging to certain vulnerable groups, as
well as a written agreement defining the roles and responsibilities of prospective
providers and deployers and effective oversight by competent personnel involved in the real
world testing. Furthermore, it is appropriate to envisage additional safeguards to ensure that
the predictions, recommendations or decisions of the AI system can be effectively reversed and
disregarded and that personal data is protected and is deleted when the subjects have withdrawn
their consent to participate in the testing without prejudice to their rights as data subjects
under the Union data protection law. As regards transfer of data, it is also appropriate to
envisage that data collected and processed for the purpose of testing in real-world conditions
should be transferred to third countries only where appropriate and applicable safeguards under
Union law are implemented, in particular in accordance with bases for transfer of personal data
under Union law on data protection, while for non-personal data appropriate safeguards are put
in place in accordance with Union law, such as Regulations (EU) 2022/868 (42) and (EU) 2023/2854 (43) of the European Parliament and of the Council.