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In conversation with Laura Bates, founder of The Everyday Sexism Project


Founder of the Everyday Sexism Project Laura Bates comes to discuss her new book, Fix the System, Not the Women. 

Laura founded the Everyday Sexism Project in 2012 to catalogue the spectrum of sexism faced day-to-day by women, from the "niggling and normalised" to "outrageously offensive". In encouraging people to share their stories, the project aimed to show the world that sexism exists in many guises and is a valid problem.

As her book states, "too often, we blame women. For walking home alone at night. For not demanding a seat at the table. For not overcoming the odds that are stacked against them."

These responses distract from the real issue – that systemic prejudice exists at the heart of key institutions, with failings and biases repeated across all levels of society. 

A leading figure in contemporary feminism, Laura was named in the BBC Woman’s Hour Power List 2014 Game Changers and in 2013 she won Cosmopolitan’s Ultimate Woman of the Year Award. She was also named CNN’s 10 Visionary Women List. 

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