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Filippo Noseda featured in American press on his campaigns for tighter data protection in FATCA and CRS

Posted on 22 February 2021

Partner Filippo Noseda has been featured in the American magazine Family Wealth Report in relation to his campaigns against FATCA legislation and the Common Reporting Standard (CRS).

The article mentions the latest letter sent on 17 February 2021to the European Commission to urge "the European Data Protection Board, the EU body responsible for this area, to “intervene in the debate concerning the compatibility of FATCA and other systems of automatic exchange of information on individuals' fundamental rights to data protection, data security and data privacy.”

It also mentions the complaint filed with the Luxembourg National Data Protection Commission (CNPD), bringing together the concerns raised by the European data protection community and relevant European judgments.

Filippo said: “It is difficult to see how this indiscriminate processing and voyeuristic disclosure of the personal data of thousands of compliant citizens might be compatible with their fundamental rights to data protection and privacy".

Read the full article here.

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