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Estates Gazette: Fix up, look smart

Estates Gazette: Fix up, look smart

Posted on 18 March 2019. Source: EstatesGazette

Over the last 12 months, the Mishcon de Reya PropTech team has collaborated on a  number of research projects to test how distributed ledger technology can be employed across several real estate scenarios.  Working with a number of partners including the Construction Blockchain Consortium, Arup and Tata Steel, the Accord Project, Global Legal Blockchain Consortium AEW and HM Land Registry, the team has explored how DLT can track the life cycle of construction materials, how it can verify smart leases and how it can enable the digital transfer of real estate using a self-executing smart contract.  The end result is three proofs of concept which demonstrate real use cases for blockchain and smart contracts in law in conjunction with real collaboration with clients and other partners.

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