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Mishcon de Reya signs up to UK Legal Apprenticeship Pledge

Posted on 21 December 2022

Mishcon de Reya has today announced that it has joined 26 other leading law firms in signing up to the UK Legal Apprenticeship Pledge. 

The pledge, launched by Norton Rose Fulbright, commits to a set of principles underlining the belief that the legal apprenticeship route is no less valuable than a traditional route to qualification, such as through a training contract. 

Since Mishcon de Reya's first cohort of Solicitor Apprentices three years ago, the firm has now welcomed 13 Solicitor Apprentices in total. The six-year programme sees apprentices working for four days a week gaining valuable, real-life experience across our six departments, while also spending one day studying with The University of Law. 

Edward Hughes‑Power, Partner and Social Mobility Committee Lead at Mishcon de Reya, commented: "Solicitor apprenticeships are a valuable and important route for emerging talent to access the legal industry – and we have benefitted hugely from the positive contribution our apprentices have made in recent years. We are fully supportive of this new initiative, which we expect will boost social mobility both at the firm and across the legal sector as a whole, and are heartened to see so many other law firms demonstrate the same commitment to furthering opportunities for everyone, irrespective of their backgrounds". 

Visit our solicitor apprenticeship page to find out more. 

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