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A Matter of Trust

Issue 2: October 2023

A Matter of Trust

Editor's note

Welcome to the latest edition of our Matter of Trust newsletter, prepared by Mishcon Private, on topics of interest to fiduciaries.

Read the full note

Last will form with gavel. Decision, financial close up

Revocation of a will by marriage in Lattimer v Karamanoli

Lattimer v Karamanoli related to the estate of the late Dr Evi Kalodiki, a former vascular surgeon, who was terminally ill with cancer when she and her partner (Dr Lattimer, the Claimant) decided to marry. A key issue in the case was whether a will executed just days before a marriage was made in contemplation of that marriage or whether the subsequent marriage served to revoke the will.


Home Office announces positive changes to the EU Settlement Scheme, but uncertainty remains

On 17 July 2023, the Home Office announced changes to the EU Settlement Scheme ("EUSS"). Under the new rules, which are due to be implemented from September 2023, any person in the UK who has Pre-Settled Status under the EUSS will have their status automatically extended by two years before it expires, without needing to make an application to the Home Office.


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