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A Matter of Trust

Issue 5: February 2025

A Matter of Trust

Editor's note

Peter Steen

Welcome to the first 2025 edition of our Matter of Trust newsletter - on topics and news from the Mishcon Private department on a range of subjects relevant to fiduciaries. 

This edition includes: a discussion of the recent Supreme Court case of Hirachand v Hirachand on success fees in family provision claims; a discussion of the importance of careful succession planning where family businesses are involved; and a discussion about how to navigate cohabitation for unmarried couples.  We also take the opportunity to highlight an upcoming event through our Academy at which Private Wealth Disputes Managing Associate Emily Bueno will be interviewing bestselling author Hallie Rubenhold.

We hope that you enjoy this edition and welcome your feedback. If there is anything in this newsletter that you wish to discuss further, please don't hesitate to contact a member of the Private Wealth Disputes or the Private Wealth and Tax team. 

Brown chairs round a meeting table

Navigating cohabitation: The implications for unmarried couples

In this article Rhiannon Coleman (Associate) and Harriet Gibson (Associate) highlight the misconceptions among cohabiting couples about inheritance rights in the UK, stressing the need for cohabitation agreements and Wills to safeguard assets and intentions, given the limitations of intestacy rules and the absence of 'common law marriage' recognition.


In conversation with Hallie Rubenhold: Story of a Murder

Book now

On 12 March, Managing Associate Emily Bueno, will be interviewing bestselling author Hallie Rubenhold about her new book Story of a Murder, examining the story of infamous wife-murderer Dr Crippen, whose crimes heavily influenced the rules of forfeiture which apply still today. Register for this live session via the link below.


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