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Editor's note

Posted on 24 July 2024

Nina O'Sullivan, Professional Support Lawyer, Dispute Resolution

Welcome to the latest edition of Beauty Watch, focusing on legal and regulatory developments for businesses in the beauty, cosmetic and wellness sectors.

In this issue, we take a look at the pace of change in the sector including in the context of using patent protection to safeguard and enforce innovation. We also look at the regulatory oversight exerted by, for example, the ASA in relation to beauty advertising, competition regulators, and in relation to sustainability credentials. For more information about forthcoming green reforms that will impact on or the sector, take a look at our Guide to Green Reforms in Retail, discussed in our recent webinar on the topic.

Like all businesses, those in the beauty industry will be carefully monitoring the early days of the new Labour Government – you can keep up to date with our analysis on new legislation, and how this marries up with the commitments made in the manifesto at our Election hub.

I hope you enjoy this edition. As always, please do get in touch with me or any member of the Retail team if you would like more information on any of the topics raised.

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