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Employment Matters

Issue 12: February 2020

Employment Matters
Employment law – what is changing?

Employment law – what is changing?

Amidst the debate and uncertainty on workers' rights following Brexit, there are a number of non-Brexit employment law changes expected to come into force from 6 April 2020. Where applicable, employers should consider any steps they may need to take to ensure compliance in good time before April.

Invented or hidden – what was the real reason for dismissal?

Invented or hidden – what was the real reason for dismissal?

In the landmark ruling of Royal Mail Group Ltd v Jhuti, the Supreme Court has determined that in circumstances where an employee is dismissed for a reason invented by a manager that the decision-maker unwittingly goes on to adopt, the reason for the dismissal is the hidden reason, not the invented reason.


The menopause in the workplace

Employment Legal Director Ã…sa Waring has written an article for Employment Law Journal on the legal and business case for supporting workers who are going through the menopause.


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