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Executive Matters

Issue 4: March 2023

Executive Matters

Editor's note

Daniel Naftalin - Mishcon de Reya

We start this edition by focusing on investigations. Following the allegations of bullying, sexism and racism within the Welsh Rugby Union, our Workplace Investigations team considers the challenges of investigating an organisation's culture. Meanwhile, our Private Commercial Litigation team sets out key "dos and don'ts" specifically for directors who find themselves responsible for instituting and/or overseeing investigations.

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Magnifying Glass On Keyboard

Conducting internal investigations – pitfalls and tips for the Board

When issues arise that need a company to investigate, how should the Board go about setting up an investigation? In the midst of a crisis, good governance might be the last thing on the minds of directors but setting up a fair and robust procedural framework at the outset can help avoid the risk of complaints from employees about an unfair process later down the line and ensure that the investigation is conducted properly and can stand up to scrutiny.

people's hands in corporate meeting

FCA non-financial misconduct Final Notice shows character is crucial

On 14 November 2022, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published a Final Notice against Ashkan Zahedian following his conviction for serious violent offences. The Final Notice withdraws Zahedian's approval to perform a Senior Management Function and prohibits him from working in the financial services industry in the future.


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