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Inside Cambridge

Issue 1: May 2024

Inside Cambridge

Editor's note

Charlie Fletcher

Welcome to our first issue of Inside Cambridge – our publication for readers who are as passionate about innovation and community as we are. Reflecting on the merger between Taylor Vinters and Mishcon de Reya, which now feels like a familiar chapter from over a year ago, we can proudly say that the dust has settled.

Read the full note

abstract orange lines

Introducing our M&A Hub

The successful completion of an M&A transaction, whether from a sell-side or buy-side perspective, requires lawyers who understand their clients’ business and market, including the risks associated within their sector.

Skyscraper building

"Move fast and break things" - Reputational risks for innovators

Those who move first and take risks often attract scrutiny, scepticism and even hostility. Whether innovation comes through new industries and technologies or disruption of the traditional, fast change and new ideas can frighten those who misunderstand them, and can cause the media and competitors to look for opportunities to attack.


Tips for start-up success

In our latest episode, Geoff Dragon, a Partner in our Emerging Companies Team, talks to Associate, Suman Kaur about how start-ups can best prepare for success.


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