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Mishcon & the World

Issue 17: September 2023

Mishcon & the World

Editor's note

Adam Rose - Mishcon de Reya

For those of you, like me, living and working in the northern hemisphere, summer is over, and we head into a period of shorter days and longer nights. For those of you on the other side of the equator, your days are getting longer, and you have the summer to look forward to. That's what happens every year.

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Mishcon de Reya revenue grows by 10% and profit at £93m in 2022/23

Mishcon de Reya has announced revenue of £255 million for the last financial year – an increase of 10% from the previous financial year. The firm has seen overall profit rise by 22% from £76m in 2021/22 to £93m in 2022/23. 2021/22 profits were impacted by the investment in the firm's planned IPO which did not proceed. Excluding these IPO costs in 2021/22, profits were up 6%.

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Mishcon de Reya and Oxera LLP collaborate on mineral exploration research project

Mishcon de Reya and Oxera LLP have conducted a collaborative research project on "The strategic importance of natural capital mapping and mineral exploration in the context of the energy transition" [link to report attached], commissioned by world leader in airborne and marine geophysical solutions, Xcalibur Multiphysics.


Home Office announces positive changes to the EU Settlement Scheme, but uncertainty remains

On 17 July 2023, the Home Office announced changes to the EU Settlement Scheme ("EUSS"). Under the new rules, which are due to be implemented from September 2023, any person in the UK who has Pre-Settled Status under the EUSS will have their status automatically extended by two years before it expires, without needing to make an application to the Home Office.


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