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Property Litigation Watch

Issue 8: May 2024

Property Litigation Watch

Editor's note

Daniel Levy, Partner, Head of Real Estate Disputes, Real Estate

Welcome to our first edition of Property Litigation Watch for 2024.
In this issue, Alexandra Clough talks to Jennifer Jones KC of Atkin Chambers about two new remedies introduced by the Building Safety Act: Remediation Orders and Remediation Contribution Orders.

Read the full note

abstract black architecture

Sainsburys' novel tactic defeats Landlord's ground (f) 'redevelopment' opposition to grant of a new tenancy

Sainsbury's has successfully defeated its landlord's opposition to a new tenancy on s.30(1)(f) 1954 Act 'redevelopment' grounds by tactically retreating into a part of the holding which would be unaffected by the development works just one week before the trial. Mohini Mann explores this case, which deals with an important novel point of law regarding the extent of 'the holding' in the context of opposed lease renewals.


On the horizon

As we head through 2024, Charlotte Nayler, Associate of our Property Litigation Group considers what is expected across the commercial and residential property spheres.


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