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Stephanie Pierce on UHNWI and family office trends in Singapore for Citywealth

Posted on 3 November 2022

Stephanie Pierce, a Managing Associate in the Singapore office, was interviewed for a piece in Citywealth.

The article discusses the pros and cons for ultra-high-net-worth individuals considering moving to Singapore and features comments from several experts on trends they are seeing in the region. Stephanie, who advises on tax planning, cross-border succession and wealth structuring for high net worth and ultra high net worth international individuals and families, gave her thoughts.

She commented: “Singapore is a global hub and natural ‘gateway to Asia’ for many clients who wish to dip their toe in the Asian markets. It is a lower tax jurisdiction that is friendly to UHNWIs with its attractive tax and immigration regimes for family offices. Singapore also has a robust common law legal system and stable government. English is one of the official languages which makes it easier for international individuals to navigate.”

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