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Celebrating innovation at the 2024 Cambridge Tech Showcase

Posted on 19 September 2024

Charlie Fletcher
Partner, Mishcon de Reya

We are delighted to welcome you to the Mishcon de Reya Cambridge Office.  We bring the innovation, the start-ups, the energy that you get from a room of people such as yourselves and Mishcon in turn brings a kind of network and depth and breadth of offering that not many firms in the global market can offer let alone in Cambridge.

Claire Green
Partner, Mishcon de Reya

We are really lucky today to have seven amazing companies that have joined us to showcase and for you all to go and have a chat with and learn a bit more about.  So I am going to do a really quick intro and then I am going to hand over to Scott who is going to do some interviewing with them, asking them some questions about their stories and what they are up to.

Tiziano Agostinelli
Systems Engineering Director, Endomag

So Endomag’s ambition is to revolutionise breast cancer surgery.  So our technologies can prevent unnecessary surgery, they can improve surgical outcomes and they can increase patient access worldwide.

Abby Dickinson
Marketing Manager, Orcascan

So we are Orcascan, we are a one stop kind of platform for all things barcodes which sounds really like unexciting but it is actually really, really cool.  We work across all industries.  Basically what we do is we enable you to print, generate, scan and track anything that has a barcode.

Chris Blackford
Commercial Director, Zero Glue Bamboo

So this is Zero Glue Bamboo, its bamboo bonded with bamboo but without any third party chemicals, glues or bonding agents so we activate the natural cellulose in the grass and use that to bond the bamboo together and we are working with The Welding Institute to help to scale it into a joist or a door frame.

James Malone
CTO, BenevolentAI

So we are BenevolentAI.  We are an AI drug discovery company so we use artificial intelligence coupled with our lab work to accelerate the ability to find drugs to treat diseases for patients.  I think one of the challenges we have is the world moves very quickly, there’s a lot of data in our space.

Dr Jon Spratley
CEO, 42 Technology

42 Technology is an engineering consultancy.  We do uh we develop new technology and develop innovative products and manufacturing processes.

Scott Parmenter
Managing Associate, Mishcon de Reya

And what would your advice be to innovators and entrepreneurs.

Dr Jon Spratley
CEO, 42 Technology

It sounds obvious but really understanding the market you are going into.

Paul Beastall

We are HutanBIO, we’re a bio fuels company.  We have our own unique strain of algae which grows diesel inside of it.  We’re developing engineering and the algae to allow us to grow carbon negative fuel at massive scale.

Laura Knight
Co-founder & CEO, Smarter Naturally

I’m a Co-founder and Chief Executive of the Smarter Food Company and we’re trading as Smarter Naturally.  We have technology in the form of a traditionally bred broccoli uh that contains a very high quantity of a naturally occurring compound called glucoraphanin.

James Fraser-Murison
Director of Education, ESG Gaming

My name is James Fraser-Murison and I’m the Director of Education for ESG Gaming with our partner’s HDC we’ve created online virtual spaces where pupils specifically over the age of 50 can come along, they can have a virtual workout in our mental and physical wellbeing room, they can do yoga and pilates.

Charlie Fletcher
Partner, Mishcon de Reya

If there is someone you are looking for it might be an investor, it might be a company, it might be anon –exec director, it might be a corporate finance advisor, who knows, it might be a lawyer just let us know and we will try and hook you up.



Mishcon de Reya
It’s business. But it’s personal

In the heart of a city renowned for its academic excellence and technological prowess, Mishcon de Reya's Cambridge office played host to a gathering of minds and machines. Our 2024 Cambridge Tech Showcase, held on Wednesday 11 September, brought to life the innovative spirit that thrives within Cambridge.  

The showcase featured a diverse group of companies, each at the forefront of their respective fields. These were:  

  • HutanBio, A microorganism business that could revolutionise biofuel production, aiming for scalable, carbon-negative solutions. 
  • 42 Technology, Offers end-to-end product innovation and engineering solutions, from concept to regulatory approval, in Cambridge. 
  • Endomag, Leverages technology to improve breast cancer treatment, with a presence in over 1,350 hospitals worldwide 
  • ESG Gaming, Develops impactful products, underpinned by independent research and a commitment to measurable, collaborative progress. 
  • BenevolentAI, Leaders in AI-driven drug discovery, targeting novel solutions for complex diseases with its advanced platform. 
  • Orca Scan, Provides a user-friendly, no-code barcode scanning app, widely adopted across major global corporations 
  • Smarter Naturally, A unique super-broccoli: superpowered to support your health goals, no matter what they are. 
  • Zero Bamboo Welding, Innovates a bamboo bonding method, potentially revolutionising the sustainable construction industry. 

The showcase event was a prime opportunity for collaboration and connection, and we look forward to continued innovation from Cambridge’s collaborative ecosystem. 

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