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Jack Burstyn, Trainee Solicitor

Jack Burstyn


Personal Profile

Jack is an Associate in the International Arbitration team in the Dispute Resolution department.

His practice focuses on a range of commercial and investor-state arbitrations across a variety of jurisdictions. He has participated in proceedings before all major arbitral institutions including ICSID, UNCITRAL, ICC, and LCIA as well as ad-hoc arbitration.

His broader practice involves disputes with an international and/or political element. He is currently part of the team working on the class action lawsuit brought against Facebook on behalf of the Rohingya people.

Key Experience

  • Acting for a Swiss investor in a claim against a Central European state (UNCITRAL proceedings at the Permanent Court of Arbitration and challenge proceedings before the English Commercial Court).
  • Acting for the family of a detained politician and advising on ECHR / interstate proceedings, consular access under the Vienna Convention and applications to UN bodies.
  • Acting for an Afghan oil and gas company in a multi-billion dollar LCIA arbitration with its joint venture partner, a state-owned entity.
  • Acting for a European natural resources trader in an ICC arbitration against a West African State-owned entity.
  • Acting for a European energy company in a LCIA arbitration against an Eastern European contractor concerning a semi-submersible offshore oil rig.
  • Acting for an international natural resources company in multi-billion dollar dispute with its former joint venture partner (LCIA arbitration, London) and a related ICSID arbitration against a West African state. The LCIA arbitration also included challenge and set aside proceedings in the English courts.
  • Acting for a US oil company in ICSID arbitration against a Caribbean state in relation to a deep-sea exploration and exploitation concession.
  • Acting for a US engineering contractor in connection with a challenge to an Arbitration Award under section 68 of the English Arbitration Act following an arbitration against one of its sub-contractors (Technology and Construction Court, London).
  • Acting for a Syrian subcontractor in a dispute with a Chinese state-entity contractor over a desalination power plant in Saudi Arabia (ICC, London, English law).
  • Intern with the Association of Defence Counsel at the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia at the Hague, representing Radovan Karadžić.

Career History

Associate, Mishcon de Reya LLP
Trainee Solicitor, Mishcon de Reya LLP
BPP Law School, GDL; LPC
University of Leeds, BA Arabic and Middle East Studies

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