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Brands of Tomorrow winners at the British Luxury Awards

Posted on 18 November 2021

The Brands of Tomorrow is a development programme run by Walpole to nurture the next group of luxury brands in the UK.

Sarah Haran, Sarah Haran

Small businesses are just that and if you are a Founder it is quite hard to know who to ask.

Chloe Luxton, Bramley

Through The Brands of Tomorrow the workshops have been amazing for us.

Graham Blakey, Hancock

You are sitting in front of industry experts who are really supportive.

Chris Downham, Brands of Tomorrow

I am fundamentally nosy about brands, I really enjoy finding out about people’s young businesses and where they are, progress that they making and to see them develop and grow.

Lewis Cohen, Partner at Mishcon de Reya

We’ve been supporting the Brands of Tomorrow programme for over ten years and there is a very good reason that we do that.  Young luxury brands are the life blood of the luxury sector, they are the future, they are disruptors, they are challengers, they come with great ideas and innovation.

Alice Mackintosh & Rose Speight, Equi

We really wanted to champion all of the amazing science that’s done here and really promote that internationally.

And Walpole is helping us to do that.

Vicki Roshschild & Mark Bickers, Rothschild & Bickers

Our business is reliant heavily on high quality craftsmen and bring us such good history in that kind of field.

Sadie Mantovani & Sacha Newell, My Wardrobe HQ

We are the birthplace of so many industries that play into our brands. I think we have been advised by so many people that authenticity is key and if it is here in the country that we are all from, it just… it’s part of our story.

Dina Jahina & Tom Cotton, ETO

Everybody is here to help you know, there’s like so many great resources and the network is great and it’s a great community like they can’t do enough for you and they just want to help you and, and yeah, that’s been a massive thing for us I think.

Brands of Tomorrow Class of 2021


The 12 emerging luxury brands that have completed Walpole's 2021 Brands of Tomorrow programme, in association with Mishcon de Reya, jointly won the Brands of Tomorrow Award at this year's British Luxury Awards, hosted at The Dorchester on 15 November 2021.

The award, presented by creative artist Yinka Ilori, was shared between Bramley, Eight Lands, Eto, Equi, Hancock, Harper, Marfa Stance, Motley, My Wardrobe HQ, Rothschild & Bickers, Sarah Haran and The Deck.



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