Alongside the provision of strategic advice and representation to those facing investigation, we are also able to work closely with organisations to conduct an audit of their processes in order to mitigate the risk of causing or facilitating environmental harms through the business operations.
The precise model will depend on the organisation, but an audit will engage a review of an organisation's processes in order to minimise the risk of the direct contravention of environmental legislation, or a wider review of ESG measures in order to protect against the risk of the facilitation of environmental harms by other, linked harms, such as financial crime. For example, there is evidence that corruption, bribery and money laundering are often linked to environmental harms, particularly in countries with a weak rule of law, and we specialise in advising organisations on how to mitigate the risks of such conduct occurring in their name.
In practice, this will involve a review of the organisations existing processes to identify any weaknesses, drafting effective and proportionate policies and guidance, undertaking or establishing risk assessments, or providing training and courses to ensure compliance measures are engaged going forward. We are also able to advise organisations on the risks that may attach to specific projects or transactions, whether those risks concern bribery and corruption, potential money laundering, or the breach of sanction controls, for example, all of which may facilitate or could engage environmental harms.