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Brand Matters

Issue 14: October 2019

Brand Matters
Nintendo obtains novel blocking injunction

Nintendo obtains novel blocking injunction

On 10 September 2019, Arnold J issued judgment granting a ground-breaking blocking website blocking order to Nintendo Co., Ltd, the seller of the popular Nintendo Switch games console.

Court refers questions on first disclosure of designs to CJEU

Court refers questions on first disclosure of designs to CJEU

The Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (IPEC) has referred the important question of what counts as a first disclosure of a design for the purposes of qualification for Unregistered Community Design (UCD) to the EU Court of Justice (CJEU).

No 'Monopoly' rights for re-filed trade marks

No 'Monopoly' rights for re-filed trade marks

A recent EUIPO Board of Appeal decision could impact the validity of countless EU and EU national trade marks, following what we understand to be only its third oral hearing in 23 years, underlining the significance of this case.

Lessons from Red Bull's colour combination trade mark

Lessons from Red Bull's colour combination trade mark

In the final instalment of Red Bull’s long-standing efforts to register its combination of the colours blue and silver as a trade mark for “energy drinks”, the CJEU has upheld the General Court's finding that the trade mark was not valid, dismissing Red Bull's appeal.


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