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Brand Matters

Issue 30: August 2023

Brand Matters

Editor's note

Sally Britton - Mishcon de Reya

Welcome to the Summer 2023 edition of Brand Matters. In this edition, we highlight some significant developments including the upcoming deadline in relation to comparable UK trade marks and re-registered designs that were created at the UK Intellectual Property Office on Brexit.

Read the full note


Potential limitations to your liability clause

In Drax v Wipro, the High Court interpreted a limitation of liability clause as containing a single liability cap, rather than multiple caps. The case is a reminder to review templates for similarly vague clauses.


Retail Academy: what's on the horizon?

There are several upcoming advertising reforms that will impact the retail sector, from new legislation through to updated guidance. We explore some of these reforms.

Person using immersive business interface in blurry office

Layered domain parking: wrong on so many levels

Recent guidance and rulings published by the ASA has warned businesses to exercise caution with parked domain names, ensuring that they do not mislead visitors with deceptive advertisements.


Jazz Shaper: Priya Lakhani OBE

Priya Lakhani OBE is the Founder CEO of CENTURY Tech, the award-winning education technology company that develops AI-powered learning tools for schools, colleges, universities and corporate education providers across the world. 


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