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Mishcon Academy Digital Session: Dispute Resolution in the Metaverse

Posted on 4 January 2022

In December, ArbTech in association with Mishcon de Reya held a lively debate on "Dispute Resolution in the Metaverse" featuring panellists Mishcon de Reya Legal Director Miles Geffin, Arbitrator at 3 Verulam Buildings Barristers Sophie Nappert, Co-founder of ArbTech Federico Ast, CEO of Kleros Sean McCarthy, ArbTech Moderator Alessandro Palombo, and CEO of Jur and Creator and Developer of eBay dispute resolution system Colin Rule.

The Metaverse is opening up endless possibilities to tailor our parallel lives. As we meta-live and meta-transact we have the opportunity to devise the meta-dispute resolution system of the future - one that reflects the values of 21st century users, fosters their trust and reduces the time, cost and access to justice issues associated with traditional dispute resolution.

To see the full recording of the Digital Session, please click the player below.


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