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Adam Rose comments acting for the families of hostages in Gaza

Posted on29 November 2023

Partner Adam Rose has been quoted by The Daily Telegraph and The Evening Standard, discussing Mishcon de Reya's work acting for four British families whose relatives are being held hostage by Hamas.

He commented: "We act for four British families of hostages held by Hamas and are seeking information from the Government and a commitment for it to deliver on its promise to "do all it can" for them. These hostages and their families are entitled to all of the assistance that the British state can provide, including advocacy for their release.

"We do not know how many British hostages there are - we have been working with four separate British families who have family members held hostage. The good news is that three of those hostages have now been released but we still have three British families who have close family members being held hostage."

Related coverage

The Daily Telegraph
The Evening Standard

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