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The Agenda

Issue 10: July 2023

The Agenda

Editor's note

Saul Sender - Mishcon de Reya

Law reform is a key focus in this latest issue of the Agenda, and in particular law reform that takes account of the potential for technology to transform the way businesses operate. We discuss the campaign to modernise shareholder communications through a standardised technology solution and we highlight our contribution to The Law Society and Tech London Advocates' third edition of the Blockchain: Legal & Regulatory Guidance Report, in which we consider how Decentralised Autonomous Organisations could benefit from the use of a legal structure.

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corporate office meeting

Proposed changes to allow listed companies to communicate electronically with shareholders

In an open letter to the business secretary Kemi Badenoch, Archie Norman (the Chairman of Marks & Spencer Plc) has claimed that UK listed companies are losing sight of retail investors. He and the co-authors of his letter, each of whom represent significant market lobbies, have argued that the rules governing the ways that UK listed companies communicate with shareholders and the restrictions on holding virtual shareholder meetings are out date, unfit for the digital age and are actively dis-engaging non institutional shareholders from the companies they are invested in.

Blockchain technology futuristic hud background with blockchain polygon

Blockchain – Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs)

On 8 June 2023 the Society for Computers and Law, in collaboration with The Law Society and Tech London Advocates published the third edition of the Blockchain: Legal & Regulatory Guidance Report. The report was collated by Mishcon de Reya's Co-Lead of the Blockchain Group and founder of the TLA Blockchain Legal and Regulatory Group, Anne Rose.


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