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The Agenda

Issue 11: September 2023

A briefing from Mishcon Corporate

The Agenda

Editor's note

Saul Sender - Mishcon de Reya

Our September issue of the Agenda contains a mix of topical items and practical advice for business owners and innovators.
With the National Security and Investment Act having to be considered on every technology transaction or investment, our NSI Act working group picks out the key insights from the Cabinet Office's National Security and Investment Act 2021: Annual Report 2023. We also set out the requirements of the new UK financial promotions regime with which cryptoasset firms marketing to UK consumers will need to comply from 8 October 2023 and we reflect on the winding down of the IPSX.

Read the full note

Justice papers

What founders need to know about term sheets

Term sheets present a high-level summary of the precise terms and conditions that will be detailed in the longform legal documents for an investment round. In this article, the first in a series focused on the key considerations for the founders of a company during the course of an early stage investment transaction, we consider what founders should be thinking about during the term sheet phase.

white and green light in a dark room

The role of General Counsel in sound Corporate Governance

To help address what has been described as an 'extraordinary' omission from the UK Corporate Governance Code, our Corporate Governance team is supporting an important response to the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) made by a group of General Counsel and others.


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