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The Agenda

Issue 14: May 2024

The Agenda

Editor's note

Saul Sender - Mishcon de Reya

In our May edition of The Agenda, we highlight some key areas of legal change relevant to corporate transactions across the board: new and updated Government guidance on the National Security and Investment Act regime aims to increase transparency and reduce the burden for businesses; and we assess the impact of the first batch of Companies House changes under the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act. We reported in our February edition on updates to the exemptions to the UK's financial promotions regime: these have now been reversed.

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Overhauling the National Security and Investment Act regime: new and updated guidance aims to increase clarity and reduce burden for businesses

In line with the commitments made in the outcome of the National Security and Investment Act Call for Evidence published in April, the Cabinet Office has this week published both an updated "Section 3 Statement", which sets out how the Government expects to exercise its call-in power, and various updates to the Government's Market Guidance notes on the regime.

corporate office chairs

Recent changes to the UK financial promotions regime

In a move that acknowledged the concerns of the tech and investment community, particularly the potential barriers for women and other underrepresented groups in accessing capital, HM Treasury announced a rollback of certain financial promotion regime changes as part of the Spring Budget 2024.


Tips for start-up success

In our latest episode, Geoff Dragon, a Partner in our Emerging Companies Team, talks to Associate, Suman Kaur about how start-ups can best prepare for success.


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